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Imagining the Ideal Fan: You!

You've probably heard me say "If I could just find 1000 more people just like you, I'd have it made!" 


Here's your chance to help me out in this regard.


Simply "REPLY" with your answers to the following 10 questions, and you'll receive my homemade 2009 Mix CD (CLICK HERE for track listings from previous years). You'll also get your pick of one FREE CD from my catalog (or digital download, if you prefer). This includes DEJA VU, DOG DAYS, SECONDHAND and the otherwise unavailable "DOG DAYS Radio Sampler" disc, which features an EXCLUSIVE re-mix of "Half-light."


Now... No answers like "I don't know," or "you don't sound like anybody." That would be cheating ;-)


  1. Who are three other established artists you'd say I sound like?

  2. How would you describe my music without comparing it to other musicians?

  3. What is your favorite specific venue/location that I play?

  4. What specific venue/location would you most like to see me play?

  5. Would you like me to play an unplugged show in your home for you and your friends?

  6. What merchandise would you most like me to produce (New Album, Live CD, T-shirts, etc)?

  7. What web sites do you frequent?

  8. What blogs and/or podcasts do you subscribe to?

  9. How do you find new music?

  10. Where do you buy music online (iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby etc.)?


Don't forget to make sure I have your latest Mailing Address on file and be sure to let me know which disc you'd like to receive alongside my Mix CD.



- January 7, 2010 eNewsletter

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